
Converters are used to convert one type to another type, sometimes with additional parameters. For example, a value can be converted to a string using a given format. The BindingSystem provides examples of implementing converters in the code, making it easy to understand and extend this functionality.

To add a new converter it is sufficient to implement IConverter<TFrom, TTo> interface:

public class MyConverter : IConverter<bool, string>
    public string Id => "My Converter";
    public string Description => "Transforms a bool into Valid or Invalid string";
    public bool IsSafe => true; // The conversion will always succeed
    public string Convert(bool value)
        return value ? "Valid" : "Invalid";
    public object Convert(object value) => Convert(value is bool bValue ? bValue : false);

The system will automatically pick up the new converter and add it to converters list. To avoid auto registration of the new converter, add [HideMember] attribute over the class.

Sometimes the system will need another recompilation round to successfully register the new converter.

The converter must have a parameterless constructor.

When having multiple converters, the system will give the user the possiblity to select which converter to use:

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